impromptu steamboat dinner at crystal jade with liling last night to ease our huge crave ((: hahaha! follwed by mahjong and supper with the colleagues. xiao de's birthday at Players on saturday night. and then thai disco and ended with frog porridge before home. i was hungry to the max till i ate the whole claypot of porridge. hahah!
jeeeeerrs; no party last week ): nevermind, cut down on parties. hopefully =p alot of after-work/off days activities with the colleagues recently! loving it! especially cam-whoring! :D ah ya, too sinful these few nights. almost supper every night. omg. i need to do something about it. alrights, lotsa peek-chas not yet ready. stay tuned for more. family dinner at seafood paradise just now ((:

morning shift tmr. ciaos.
you were there ; i felt acquainted ..