Sunday, September 12, 2010

arghh ~! damn Fat now. less supper please people. i know im always hungry, but such activities, please let me stop myself from consuming. too sinful too sinful. give me 2 weeks to a month to get back my weight please. i think im overweight now )): hmm, above peek-cha was taken at darren's birthday at nsrcc; & after steamboat dinner last sunday with liling. long beach seafood with family just now. im glad that i still have time for my family despite having an un-fixed working schedule ((:

rights, party on thurs night @ the usual powerhouse with liling (Y) . dickson's birthday & enlistment party. it has been quite awhile after i saw these crazy fellows at work. dicky was drunk like a cat after my treat. LOL! jeremy came over for awhile. & he realised powerhouse was unsuitable for him. too old for dancefloor. hahahah! went over to dragonfly to look for him instead. powerhouse was fillled with lotsa familiar faces that night! DJ Kzee In The Mix. Powerhouse Ftw!

Dickson's Party :D

lil promotion; to in-charge. no pay raise but More workloads. FML. morning shift tmr. goodnights world (: