hello world. im back! i just received a new toy few days back from mum. long waited lappy is here! thank you mummy ((: and finally desktop is working fine at last. yeps. now im using my new toy to update this blog, comfortably on my bed. hahahas.
work was politics over politics because of 1 person la. fuck. change of new director is even worst. job scope changed, everything changed. moral was dropped drastically. everyone was working so unhappily. shift timings were changed without prior notice. and it sucks like hell. i swear. arghh. i wonder how can we survive through..
arghh, pea brain bro's hiring maid. without letting me know that she's gonna share room with me. damn shit. i dont like unknown people to share MY room. my words are not acknowledged in the family at all. fuck la. not the first time anyway..
on a happier note, jesslyn and eileen came over to rws. dinner-ed with jesslyn and short catch up eileen (: party-ed on fri at powerhouse with liling though i was kinda worn out after work. but still, all ready for party =D step up 3D with love monday. awesome show! catch it people !
supper with lover MF after work at buangkok on sat. thanks for sending me home and made my day at work. :DD & yesterday was my off day like finally. granny's place in the morning. and then airport for dinner with eric, liln and darren ((: had lotsa fun ! camwhore!
pictures shall do all the talkings for now (:
summary of last week's
parties :DD
parties :DD
@ Powerhouse (:

supafly with DJ Kzee :D
with liling worm ((:
@Phuture :D

sheesha with jz and eddie ((:

random pictures @ work :DD

wednesday was an absolute fun day. supper after work with colleagues wendy, xin hui, eric and darren till dawn ((: all of us were zombies at work the next day =x

hehehs . im gonna Try to talk Nicely from now on ((: darren's birthday celebration later before work! anyway, i hate night shift. tsk.