Hi world, im at work now, after a short break. for like only 3 days. pathetic. oh wells, needless to say, non-working days ALWAYS passed faster. time will fly fucking like a jet plane while you're having fun. sighhhh laa ~
i had a Blast on these 3 resting days. infact 4. including friday after work time. fulfilled all the enjoyments i yearned for. hahaha. ahhh, work had been really stress nowadays. everything was in a mess. so demoralising. i've been asking myself how long will i stay in rws? i truely understand that there will be stress involved in every jobs. perhaps im too weak enough to take such stress. too much of the good lifes previously, resulted me like this now. felt so freaking useless. but ya. im looking on the brightside to work every single day.
so much to say, so little time. i dont know where to start also. i need outings, parties blah blah blah soooo badly ): girlfs & boyfs please keep me occupied during all the after hours. had a date with liling worm on national day. caught 'Inception' and astons :D chillax with eddie and jz till late. personality analysis. freaking funny topic. lolol!
Phuture 08/08:

Lunar with RWS collegues.

blackberry otw! wei jie gonna accompany me to buy soon. thats what he said. so i listen. zZ!
okay, FYI, im at work now. blogging during working hours. hahah! Arthur is coming to accompany me later with his ghostly stories. and FYI again, it's the hungry ghost festival now. im sure gonna scream like mad later. LOL! im so hungry now. damn tour groups haven arrive. fucking wasting my time.