Thursday, July 22, 2010

arghh. my eyelids are so heavy now. and im still in the office at this freaking hour. omfg. just done with all the reports that im supposed to do. 3 consective night shifts this week. i hate night shift. it's a torturing shift la. and i still have 1 more night to endure. FML seriously. my body cant adapt to this change and im already a sick cat right now. i wanna get my ass out of this hell place fasttttt !!

it feels absolutely great to reunite with bestie. it took me lotsa courage to take the first step out. and i made it! im looking forward to the first meet up after sooo freaking long. Overjoyed at least :DDD

well, on the other hand, im feeling very guilty now. sorry thank you & take care. sigh ~